When Cyndy returned to her beloved home right here in Colorado over four years ago, she wanted to do something she hadn’t done before, so she took an eight hour course in “How to Start Your Own Import/Export Business” and studied very hard by reading everything she could get her hands on that would help create and market her business. She decided to start her own jewelry business, so she created a line of exquisite jewelry, and had it manufactured in Beirut. After just three months, Saks Fifth Avenue picked up her first line.
Cyndy expanded her distinctive line, combining different materials such as leather, wood, rubber polymer, and denim with beautiful pave diamonds and precious metals such as 18k gold. A year and a half later, Neiman Marcus asked Cyndy to design a separate line for them, which is created without any of the raw materials but definitely has a unique look of its own. Both lines are dazzling!
In addition to also making herself available to do individual designs for clients; recently, Cyndy has been designing jewelry lines for nonprofit organizations and organizations with causes. She has designed a line of jewelry for the “Make the Difference Network” which is actress, Jessica Biel’s (of Colorado) network that moves nonprofits with their needs and wishes forward. Cyndy says, “It’s really a cool organization.” In addition, she has created a line of jewelry for World Pulse Magazine whose mission is to unleash the global power and leadership of women and youth through media.
Cyndy is so happy to say that she has also designed a classic yet still contemporary pendant for the Susan G. Komen Foundation fighting Breast Cancer. The Foundation will sell the pendant on their national site, with 20 percent of the profits going back to the organization. Fighting Breast Cancer has become Cyndy’s charity of choice since Breast Cancer will affect 1 in 7 women in their lifetime, unless we find a cure. The pendants have also been picked up by the Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers Foundation to sell in their clinics throughout the Rockies as well as in 32 other states.
Her business is really evolving and Cyndy says, “It’s fun to be part of and working with these non-profits to help their cause move forward and offer a creative element to that.”
Ms. Everett is no ordinary lady; this is an exceptional person with extraordinary talents. Her travels have created friendships with people of all nationalities, and she has so many stories to tell. She is a strong – very together - woman, who believes that great things can happen when you are true to yourself and the people around you. It’s just glorious to spend some time with her and hear about her adventures abroad.
Cyndy leads a wonderful life that she has created and designed for herself. It’s a balanced life, and a testament to what a person can do to make things happen with focus, determination – and a whole lot of talent.
What brought you to the Middle East? Adventure! I loved living in Saudi Arabia, everything about it - the people, the culture, the hospitality, and the appreciation for others that I experienced. One-on-one, they are some of the most beautiful people in the world I’ve ever met. I had a fabulous experience there, and to this day, I have my Saudi friends visiting me, and I visit them.
What is the best thing about living in the United States? I strongly believe America is the only country I know of where you can be a person, no matter what your background is, and be able to pick what you would like to do. Because of our free enterprise system and our tremendously rich culture, so rich in resources, and rich in education, - plus Americans are very open and willing to help each other. You can do anything you pretty much want. I feel we have opportunities to do whatever we set our minds to. There are so many free resources in the community. All this is out there to everyone just for the asking.
What can we do in this country to create better relationships with people of other countries? People are people no matter where they are from. Our battles are going to be won having relationships with people one-on -one, one step at a time. We just need to keep truth in our hearts, with the ground between our two feet.
Sometimes what gets put in the media, about people from other sides of the world isn’t always what is the truth. It gets distorted, and we think things that maybe aren’t the real truth. I have experienced great love, and great respect from people in all parts of the world.
What in your opinion is the lowest depth of misery? Hopelessness, when there is no hope. When that’s gone, it’s all gone. I’ve seen many examples of that, through life experiences; not everyone has the choices we have, and the options we have. When you really see what is out there for some people, and their realities, as Americans we should have a great appreciation of being an American.
What is the general perception of Americans in the Middle East; does it vary by country? We are generally liked as Americans in the Middle East - especially one-on-one with people from the Middle East. I personally have experienced great and wonderful friendships, hospitality and gracious respect in my 13 years of living in Saudi Arabia.
Do you believe that there is “one universal truth?” If so, what do you say it is? For me it is Proverbs 3:5-6 –“Trust in the Lord with all you heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your path straight.”
Do you see yourself competing with other jewelry designers? As far as competition, I compete with myself. I’m willing to do anything or share anything that I’ve learned or that I do with others. It’s a big world out there, and there is plenty of room for all of us.
What do you attribute your creativity and strength to? Teaching myself everything along the way, and having other people help me with the gaps that I had to fill. Creativity is a God-given gift. It’s where my strength comes from. It comes through me, so I don’t take total credit for it.
Tell us about the first piece of jewelry you ever made? I have been creating since I was a little girl, designing my clothes, my jewelry, and my surroundings. Designing and creating has just been part of me forever.
When did you first realize you had a special talent for designing jewelry? It’s always been part of me.
What is your favorite city in the world, and why? I have no one favorite city or place. I like and appreciate lots of different places in the world for different reasons. Italy, as a country, holds a special place in my heart. I love the people, their flair for design, and art, and clothing, their food, - just their passion for life and living. Love Italy!
What can you absolutely not live without? Chocolate!
What is your favorite magazine? I read lots of educational journals, that’s how I teach myself about things I don’t understand yet. I enjoy keeping up on what’s going on in the world. When I fly, that’s my time to catch up on what I call fluff-fashion reading. There again no one favorite; I just appreciate a lot of avenues of media.
What is your greatest indulgence? My two Toy Chihuahua’s Ms. Milana and Ms. Babe.
What is your greatest fear? Not facing my greatest fears.
What is your idea of a perfect get–a-way? Spending time with all my friends I have in my life. Doing something active and outdoors. Good food and just enjoying what life has to offer where ever I am in this big wide world.
Do you have any upcoming trips planned? Beirut via Paris in November. Greece in the Spring.
Is there a social of charitable event you look forward to attending each year? Susan G. Komen Foundation is my charity of choice. I like the “Race for the Cure” plus the “Pink Tie Affair.” 1 in 7 women will be affected by breast cancer in her lifetime. That is why I design a jewelry piece for them each year with 20 percent of proceeds going back to them.
I am on the advisory board for “Open Door Ministries” in Denver, I volunteer my time monthly, and I cut hair for anyone who needs a hair cut.
I’m active in quite a few other community, charity events and causes; I just enjoy being part of the community and giving back where I can. There are lots of needs out there that anyone can involve themselves in and make a difference.
How do we get more people involved in community service or charitable giving? Just invite your friends and family along. Belonging is contagious. Your passions will inspire others to join in.
When you need a break from your work, what is your favorite leisure time activity? Dancing!
What do you think is the greatest problem this country is facing today? Misdirected Priorities. Balancing one’s life. Lack of globalization.
If you could go back in time, with the knowledge you have now, what would you do differently? Nothing - I love my life and would not trade away any chapters. My life experiences have taught me volumes and made me what I am today. I would do it all over again the same.
What do you like most about living in Colorado? I love the mountains, the wild life out my back door, the wide-open blue sky above, the realness of people, the seasons, the variety of outdoor activities available. My Mother, Brother, and Sister all live close to me.
What’s coming up in the future for Cyndy Everett? I see my business becoming more involved with causes like (Susan G. Komen) (Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers Foundation) (World Pulse Magazine) (Make The Difference Network). I am using my design talents by making jewelry for them to support their causes and get their message out. It’s a win, win scenario for both of us, and the message of the cause gets moved forward. Helping to support such causes by using my creativity looks like a growing future avenue for my business.
I still plan to keep my Sak’s Fifth Avenue line and My Neiman Marcus line of jewelry alive and moving forward.
I love to create and put a different flair on the ordinary. It makes me smile.
You are so talented, what would you still like to learn how to do? I have so many interests in life. TIME is the only thing holding me back. SO, God only knows!
What advice would you give someone wanting to take their talents to the next level - in hopes of becoming as successful as you are? Just do It! Make a plan, take yourself seriously, educate yourself, and then just go for it! We live in America – It’s all possible.
What would you most want to be remembered for? My Heart! My passion for living.