Priscilla went to pre-school and kindergarten at the Christian Center, which is now the Curtis Park Center. “ I had great early childhood learning at the Center and by the time I started school at Gilpin Elementary they moved me right up from kindergarten to second grade. Actually three of us from my class at the Christian Center were moved up because our level of education was so good.”
Tell me a little about your career. I spent 24 years with telecom, Mountain Bell, AT&T and US West/Qwest. I’ve been in real estate for 22 years, 3 years as the owner of Brown’s Fashions and have spent 1-½ years as Executive Director for BUFCO.
Tell me about BUFCO. BUFCO stands for Black United Fund of Colorado. It was founded twelve years ago by Hiawatha Davis Jr. to meet the needs of the African American community. It’s a federation of non-profits working for art, education, economic development, self-help and mutual aid. The organization offers help on everything from volunteering to how to start a non-profit. We depend on volunteer support for the office and events, as I’m the only paid employee, and I work part time.
What’s Brown’s Fashions? It’s a men’s, women and children’s clothing store. My daughter and I started it three years ago. We do a lot of traveling fashion shows for people who can’t get out, senior centers etc.
What’s important in your life? Praising and worshiping God
What’s in your future? Financial freedom to do what I want to do, when I want to do it.
What are your volunteer activities? My husband is the pastor of Genesis Missionary Baptist Church and I wear several different hats there. I am president of the Trustee Board, director of the choir and an usher. I’m also involved with education and youth events.
Favorite Restaurant? The Broker
If your life were a movie, whom would you want to play your part? My daughter Tina, because she’s the most like me and she would know who I am. She’s a true extension of me.
Do you have any pets? Fish
When you move, what will your home tell its next owner about you? That I’m a child of God. I truly believe that God brought us here for a purpose and one of these purposes is to help others…so our home has always been open.
What word describes you best? Dependable, resourceful
How would you like others to describe you? Blessed, cheerful, helpful
What was your first job? Youth attendant at the Smiley Summer Camp. I had five brothers and sisters that came to the camp with me daily and I was viewed as a good babysitter.
What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? Overweight
What is the trait you most deplore in others? Whining
What is your greatest indulgence? Nacho cheese and fried fish
What is the best gift you have ever given? Gift of sharing God’s love
What is the best gift you’ve received? Salvation
What or who is the greatest love in your life? My hubby Rev. John L. Brown Sr.
What is your current state of mind? Scattered, but not really. I’m blazing trails in many directions. It’s kind of a tri-fold trail, three paths, one following Christ, one in business and one for non-profits.
What do you consider your greatest achievement? A 33-year happy marriage
What is your most treasured possession? Love for my family
What is the quality you most like in a man? Godliness, strong man
What is the quality you most like in a woman? Godliness
Favorite books/writers? Bible
What is the best advice you have ever received? Be honest and tell it like it is
Do you have a motto? Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you
What’s the funniest thing that’s happened to you? When I fell out of the car driving down Colorado Blvd. I had a 1986 green and white Mazda with bucket seats. My family’s in the car and we’re trying to figure out where to go eat. It’s snowing pretty heavily; we couldn’t decide where to go so I made a U turn on Colorado. It was snow covered and I couldn’t see and went right on top of the median strip. I turned across the median strip to go back north and heard the scraping on the bottom of my car. When I leaned out to check out the damage, my foot came off of the brake and the car began to roll. I’m so short and I was hanging out of the car. My husband had to put the car in park and pull me back into it.
If you could come back in another lifetime, what/who would you like to be? And why? Wouldn’t really change much of my life. Would like to be financially free.
What are your hobbies? Other interests? Sewing and singing
Who is your mentor? My mother. We are so much alike. We are always stepping up to the challenge.
What would you most like to be remembered for? Let my works speak for me
If you could go anywhere and do anything, what would it be? Full time RV trip across the continent
What do you like about the town you live in? All four seasons